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Chào mừng quý khách đến với website Teqball !

Hạn đăng ký: 23/08/2024 12:08
Hạn hủy đăng ký:30/08/2024 12:08
Tiền thưởng:750.000.000₫
Phí hủy: 1.250.000₫
Đơn vị tổ chức:FITEQ
Events: Đôi nam , Đôi nữ , Đôi nam nữ

Welcome to the Teqball World Series – Budapest competition!


Get ready to showcase your talent and compete against the best in the world in the sport of Teqball! As a Category III event according to the World Ranking Policy 2024 and Teqball Event Categorization Policy 2024 this competition offers a platform for players to earn valuable ranking points and elevate their standing in the global Teqball community.


Event Details:


Event Category: 

Category III


Number of categories: 

3 (Men's Doubles, Women's Doubles, Mixed Doubles)

Event type:



Black Sport Floor


Limited Entries: 

The event is limited in all categories.


Men's Doubles: 32 teams (4 FITEQ Wild Card) 

Mixed Doubles: 32 teams (4 FITEQ Wild Card)

Women's Doubles: 16 teams (2 FITEQ Wild Card)



Qualification days: 3-5 October, 2024

Final day: 6 October, 2024


Important Notes:


It's crucial to emphasize the importance of attendance. If a registered player fails to show up for the competition without prior notice, they will face serious consequences. This may include penalty fees and even being banned from future competitions. Consistency and reliability are key in maintaining the integrity of our events.

If you desire to withdraw your registration, please send an email to competition@fiteq.org.


Note that registration will commence 8 weeks before the competition starts, on August 9, 2024 10:00 (CET), and will conclude 6 weeks prior, on August 23. Please abstain from making any ticket or accommodation purchases until your place in the tournament is confirmed, as FITEQ will not assume responsibility for purchases made before player registration is confirmed.


Please note the tournament schedule is subject to change.

Mark your calendars, and prepare for an unforgettable experience at the Teqball World Series in 2024. 

Competition Venue:Budapest, Fáy u. 58, 1139, Sterbinszky Amália Kézilabdacsarnok, Budapest, Hungary (View on map)
Age Limit:
Địa điểm:Budapest, Fáy u. 58, 1139, Sterbinszky Amália Kézilabdacsarnok, Budapest, Hungary
Độ tuổi:
Hỗ trợ trực tuyến
Hỗ trợ trực tuyến